Kamis, 09 Desember 2021

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Senin, 28 Agustus 2017

Best Anti Aging Products vs Natural Anti Aging Remedies - Top 7 Tips for Natural Fountain of Youth

In today's society, there is a lot of emphasis on the best anti aging products and the best anti aging creams, but what if you could reverse aging from the inside out? This article explains the top seven anti aging remedies to create a lifestyle that keeps your body "youthful internally," as well as can keeps wrinkles at bay.

TIP # 1 - DIET: Did you know there is actually a certain diet that has been proven to decrease wrinkles? Although many people eat the "low carb" way to maintain weight, when done correctly, it has actually been proven to reduce wrinkles, give the face a natural lift and is the best anti aging diet you will find. Eating smaller portions more frequently is also key to decreasing wrinkles via this diet because the point is to maintain an even blood sugar. When you are able to maintain a diet that keeps blood sugar even by avoiding high sugar "blasts," you are actually saving your complexion from severe damage and wrinkles and are using one of the best "anti aging products on earth" to reverse aging because it keeps you healthy on so many other levels as well and is available whenever you want it at a reasonable price.

TIP #2 - FACIAL EXERCISE: While most articles on how to reverse aging discuss the need to exercise your body, I want to discuss exercising your face. Yes, there are facial exercise devices out there, a few of which I have tried, but the "real deal" when it comes to facial exercise is a method that uses resistance training for the face, which includes a way to keep the bone structure from deteriorating as well. It takes time to see results, but can produce a more natural looking face as well as save hundreds or thousands of dollars spent on the best anti aging botox treatment. Of course, exercising your body also keeps your face muscles relaxed and alive, as well as keeps you overall active and youthful.

TIP #3 - POSITIVE MINDSET: When you are able to keep a positive mindset, you are releasing "positive" chemicals into your body which also combats the aging process. The phrase, "happy thoughts create a happy body" can be proven scientifically today. Finding ways to keep your mind positive will give you more internal reserves for staying young and is the best anti aging therapy when compared to taking anti-depressants or using the best anti aging products that ineffectively try to mask a negative mindset or ill-health.

TIP #4 - WATER: Yes, I know you can't believe that I'm going to discuss something as simple as water. But think about how many glasses of just plain, pure, filtered water you had today? Not sodas, not coffee, not tea, not "flavored" water, not tap water... just plain, filtered water and only water. The fact that our bodies are made up of 98% water, of course, means that we benefit greatly on a physical level from drinking water. But drinking pure, filtered water only, instead of coffee, tea, sodas, etc., etc., gives your body the one necessary component to keep internal chemicals in better balance for mood, focus, appetite control, cleansing activity and overall "good internal housekeeping and balance."

TIP #5 - ENERGY: Renewing your own internal source of energy is vital, whether it's by taking time out with a good book or hiking in nature. I often get the comment, "Gee, you look so much younger" just after taking time out for myself to renew my energy. This is a particularly important tip if you feel that you just "don't have time for yourself" or "can't afford to be away from the office, the kids or the dog."

TIP #6 - POSTURE: One thing that really gives away a person's age is their decline in their ability to hold themselves upright. Start doing posture exercises before you start to need them. Sit up straight at your desk, roll your shoulders back and lift your sternum like you're wearing a fabulous necklace or scarf. Make it a habit to hold yourself strong while you still have the muscles to do so and you will continue to have the muscles to do so longer.

TIP #7 - ANTI AGING HORMONES: Many of our vital hormones decline as we age, especially from the hectic lifestyles we live today. Our bodies just can't keep up and start to wear out. So, what can you do about it? Find some way to significantly reduce stress. The best anti aging advice I can give you is to use something called a brainwave meditation. This type of meditation quickly puts you into a relaxed state of mind as well as makes your body produce beneficial anti aging hormones. By using a brainwave meditation once a day, you can give yourself a regular flow of endorphins and chemicals that change your body from "wiped out" to "feeling refreshed, renewed and youthful."

If you are looking for the "best anti aging products," consider a low carb diet, facial exercise, positive thinking, water, time out for yourself, better posture and brainwave meditations instead of the "best anti aging products" that are costly and that slowly lose the battle of aging to a lifestyle void of the natural anti aging remedies discussed in this article.

Rabu, 09 Agustus 2017

Anti Aging Systems and Anti Aging Skin Products

The physical and mental decline that accompanies aging has been regarded as inevitable, however new research is appearing daily that challenges every belief we have held about aging. In our body's anti aging systems, oxidative stress tends to escalate over time. When a cell or molecule is damaged by oxidative stress, it malfunctions so as to cause additional oxidative stress. The downward spiral of increasing oxidative destruction and decreased cellular energy production is a hallmark of aging systems and ensuing degenerative diseases. The cumulative effect of this oxidative damage over time is aging, degeneration and eventually death.

One of the first and most important anti aging solutions to stop the aging process is Coenzyme Q-10. Coenzyme Q-10 is a naturally occurring antioxidant, which retards free radical formation in our anti aging systems. This fat-soluble antioxidant protects against lipid peroxidation, which in turn preserves the integrity of our cell membranes protecting DNA, proteins, and blood lipids from oxidative damage. Cellular respiration takes place in our lipid-rich membranes inside our mitochondria, and is itself, a source of oxidative stress and aging. Coenzyme Q-10 helps protect the integrity of this membrane and shields the respiratory chain from free radicals. Coupled with Coenzyme Q-10's role in energy production, this helps prevent the vicious cycle of oxidative stress, bioenergetic decline and stop the aging process.

Another anti aging solution is Alpha lipoic acid, which is both a water and fat-soluble antioxidant, thus allowing it to neutralize free radical damage both inside and outside your cell membranes. Alpha lipoic acid is made up of a unique sulfur structure enabling it to scavenge several types of free radicals such as the highly reactive hydroxyl and singlet oxygen free radicals. Alpha lipoic acid also chelates transition metals such as copper and iron, offering even more protection from the aging process.

The third anti aging solution to stop the aging process is N-acetyl cysteine, (NAC). NAC is a precursor to the amino acid cysteine, which is vital in the production of glutathione. Glutathione is a tripeptide, which is a major component of anti-free radical enzymes glutathione peroxidase and glutathione reductase. In contrast to glutathione, which cannot cross your cell membranes, NAC is efficiently transported into your cells where it is readily converted to cysteine for glutathione synthesis. Reduced glutathione is vital to antioxidation, detoxification, and maintenance of the reduced biochemical state (redox balance) found in healthy cells. Reduced glutathione plays an essential role in DNA synthesis, repair, immune system function and the regulation of healthy cell proliferation. Research has shown that numerous conditions are related to inadequate levels of reduced glutathione, including aging and the aging process.

Another anti aging formula is L-carnosine, which is a dipeptide made up of the amino acids alanine and histidine. L-carnosine in mainly concentrated in your brain, heart and skeletal muscles. It is a strong antioxidant and is involved in enzyme activity and heavy metal binding and detoxification, therefore making it a potent anti aging solution. Every cell in your body works better when it has optimal energy provided to it. By providing optimal energy, L-carnosine helps cells live longer and is therefore an important nutrient for a long, healthy life.

One of the very best anti aging skin products is vitamin C. Vitamin C is essential for collagen synthesis and glycosaminoglycan synthesis which are the building blocks of all connective tissues such as your blood vessels, skin, tendons, joint cartilage and bone.Vitamin C is essential for proper wound healing and capillary health.Vitamin C acts as a potent free-radical scavenger, destroying free radicals and thus, stop the aging of your body's skin and organ systems. Vitamin C helps remove free radicals from your body after trapping them in highly reactive singlet oxygen, which prevents new free radicals from being formed. In other words, vitamin C acts as an anti aging solution by absorbing your molecule's altered state and returning it to a normal state without harming your anti aging systems. Vitamin C also helps your body better utilize oxygen and is essential for a healthy immune function. You are as old as your immune system. If you have a perfectly young immune system, the rest of your body will follow suit and you will be as young as your immune system again.

With regards to nutrition as anti aging solutions,seafood, almonds, broccoli and kidney beans restore your skin's elasticity, renewing a taut appearance. Raisins, dried beans, bananas and spinach prevent worry lines and crows feet with nerve calming potassium. Poultry, shellfish, popcorn and cheese are all high in zinc, which is required for new skin cells and a smooth and healthy appearance. Yellow squash, sardines, carrots and apricots are high sources of vitamin A which helps carry oxygen to facial tissues, preventing wrinkles and unsightly, aging, scaly skin. Milk, tuna, egg yolks and salmon are full of vitamin D, and help prevent discoloration and prevent age spots. Other foods that act as anti aging skin products are oranges, potatoes, green peppers and tomatoes, which heal tiny scars, prevent morning puffiness and help your skin produce collagen. Corn, cabbage, brown rice and lettuce contain high amounts of vitamin E, which lubricates your skin giving you a soft, supple appearance.

In summary, it is reasonable to support your anti aging systems and stop the aging process simply by taking antioxidants to prevent free radical damage and incorporate a healthy, clean diet, rich in whole foods. Taking any of the supplements mentioned in this article costs less than a dollar a day, even if taking the most expensive supplements on the market. That is less than $365 a year as an anti aging solution, for a safe, effective approach to a healthy old age. These antioxidants will deliver a huge improvement to your longevity, are a safe investment and quite possibly the best life insurance your money can buy.

Rabu, 26 Juli 2017

The Realm Of Anti-Aging Products

Sagging, wrinkled and flawed skin mirrors your stay in this world. However, as you age, you want to revert the hands of time. This is a fact of life. Age is as sweet as honey but as it evolves with time, it becomes a dreadful poison that nobody wants to take in more.

Aging makes persons worry about their appearance and health. This is because as people age, he is subject to hormonal and body changes. Aside from that his environment may also hasten the unwanted effects of aging.

Good thing is that you may resort to anti-aging products to shield you from terrible aging aftermath. Anti-aging products can go as far as reducing wrinkles, uneven pigmentation, acne scars, age spots and more.

Nowadays, there is a wide range of anti-aging products to remedy skin problems brought about by aging. These products remove epidermis (topmost layers of the skin) to reveal the unblemished skin underneath.

Anti-aging products use skin resurfacing or exfoliation methods. These methods can penetrate the dermis (skin layers beneath) to help in collagen production. As a result, the skin will appear fresher, youthful, firm and plumper.

Anti-aging products give you a radiant look that will sashay you back with confidence. If you are a victim of dreadful effects of aging, worry no more for you can bank on anti-aging products. The latter is no longer hard to find. In fact, after consulting your doctor, you can just visit your trusted cosmetic store and purchase some anti-aging products to help you remedy your dilemma.

If you want the easiest way of having anti-aging products, you can access the Internet and order. Without extra effort from you, your anti-aging products will be delivered right at your doorsteps the shortest time possible.

Anti-aging products include anti-aging cream, anti-aging eye cream, anti-aging cleansing cream, anti-aging mask, anti-aging face cream, anti-aging lotion and others.

Anti-aging cream comes in two types - day cream and night cream. Anti-aging creams protect the skin from the ravages of free radicals such as sunrays and smoke. They also nourish, strengthen and support the skin to minimize wrinkles and fine lines.

Eye cream is also crucial to your anti-aging products beauty regimen. Since the skin around your eyes is the thinnest skin on the body, it needs more collagen and elastin. You scrunch, blink and squint, sans proper moisture and protection; your eyes may show signs of age early on. Hence, they need hydrating treatments to bring out their best look. Anti-aging eye cream softens the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines around the eye area.

Fran Wilson retinal eye gel, a vitamin enriched eye treatment is a good choice to reduce eye puffiness and dark circles. It also smoothens the delicate areas surrounding the eyes. Ahava time line age defying continual eye treat can also be used to dramatically diminish fine lines around the eyes.

Anti-aging mask penetrates the skin to ensure restructuring, hydration, elasticity and firmness.

Anti-aging face cream moisturizes, revitalizes and restructures skin. It increases firmness at the same time smoothes wrinkles and fine lines. Fade-out original treatment cream is a good choice of face cream that gradually fades out age spots, freckles uneven skin tone and skin pigmentation.

Anti aging facial serum and treatment can also be resorted to regain vitality and radiance of the skin. All-in-one renewal creams are also in demand. An example of this cream is Nutra-Lift one-step anti-wrinkle and skin therapy.

Anti-aging products give you the benefit of circumventing the unwanted effects of the hands of time. Revitalizing and treating your aging skin is easier nowadays.

Minggu, 09 Juli 2017

Anti-Aging Programs - Eight Major Factors to Consider

Rev Up Your Metabolism

Aging is accompanied by a decrease in your metabolic rate and an associated increase in your fat storage. As such, your body fails to burn excess fat as we grow older. To combat this anti-aging effect we need to control our metabolic rate by increasing daily activities. The best way to do this is to perform a 20 minute cardiovascular fitness program a few days a week to help rev up your metabolism. The best time to perform this fat burning workout is when you wake and before breakfast. This is the perfect time to workout because while you slept, your body depleted all the carbohydrates in your system, and since you have an empty stomach your body is forced to use your fat stores to provide energy for the workout.

Keep Your Heart Strong

Growing older also means a reduction in the ability of the heart to pump blood through the circulatory system. In addition, build up in the arteries also contributes to this reduced ability. Since your heart is a muscle its function and circulatory capability can be improved by aerobic exercise. Remember to always consult your doctor when starting any fitness program. However, I once heard a doctor say that if they could put exercise into a pill form, it would be the most prescribed pill known to mankind. As such, using exercise to keep the heart strong is an important factor in any anti-aging program.

Your Brain is a Muscle Too!

Anti-aging research has shown that memory capacity declines if the brain is not involved in mental functions. Mental inactivity causes poor memory function or in some cases memory loss. Playing games, participating in social activities, problem solving, reading and writing will all help "exercise" the brain. Exercising your brain will not only improve cognitive function but will also help eliminate boredom and depression.

Lung Capacity

Did you know that the oxygen uptake test, the one where they measure your lung capacity while your on a treadmill, is so accurate that if they gave a group of people the test and then had that same group run a distance race they could predict how each individual would place in the race before the race ended. With aging comes a reduced elasticity of the lungs and thus a reduced oxygen uptake or breathing capacity. Aerobic or cardiovascular exercise is an anti-aging solution that will increase the breathing capacity of the lungs.

Increase Your Lean Tissue or Muscle Mass

As you age your metabolism slows and you begin to lose muscle. Actually, muscle loss is a symptom of aging. However, you can increase muscle mass, burn fat, and increase your metabolism all at the same time. This is accomplished through an aerobic weight training workout. By using light weights that you can repeat 12 to 15 times per muscle group you will not only increase muscle mass and metabolic rate but also reduce fat stores. In addition, strength training exercises will increase your lean tissue which in turn increases your basal (resting) metabolic rate. Combining an aerobic weight training workout with a diet high in protein and low in fat is a good start for any anti-aging fitness program.

Stay Flexible

Stretching should be a part of any natural anti-aging fitness program. You not only warm up your muscles for the workout but also prevent any unnecessary injuries during the workout. Staying flexible will also eliminate any muscle cramping that is sometimes associated with aging. Moreover, being limber helps you perform better in your day to day anti-aging activities.

Your View of Yourself

Does growing old mean avoiding the bathroom scale or looking into a mirror? The way you perceive yourself is very important to your overall physical, mental and spiritual self. People are flocking to doctors for expanding waistlines and hair loss. Their buying anti-aging skin care products and cosmetics for younger looking skin and the list goes on. Your long-term whole-body physical, mental and spiritual picture of yourself is an important factor of your anti-aging program.

Bridge the Gap

Taking the steps necessary to take care of yourself will help you "bridge the gap" to a longer life. Developing a solid anti-aging program and strategy is essential. Without a plan or a process things are just left up to chance. You yourself can only implement the steps that will take you down the path of becoming a centenarian.

In conclusion, anti-aging overall is multidisciplinary. It involves, in part, the 12 factors discussed here but also total whole-body wellness and longevity. It involves incorporating the ingredients of wellness and longevity into your lifestyle. Anti-aging is an individual process - you decide what ingredients are part of the program. Anti-aging is what makes you feel good. It is what makes you "anti-age"!

Minggu, 25 Juni 2017

The Solution to Anti-Aging Skin Care

The anti-aging skin care field has boomed, with hundreds of new products being introduced to the market on what feels like almost on a daily basis. This has resulted in what we may call "skin care overload." People have become overwhelmed and confused by the countless number of ingredients we are told are necessary for anti-aging. It has become impossible to access and apply even a fraction of these ingredients due to the cost and time involved. We feel compelled to buy multiple products every month and layer them on in order to do the most for our skin. But, as we fill our medicine cabinets with creams and serums, we are faced with the daily questions of which shall we use, which are safe and which actually work?

It has been long overdue that the various categories of anti-aging and the anti-aging ingredients themselves be ordered and categorized so that a comprehensive approach to anti-aging may be put into place. Firstly, there are many features to skin aging and people will show one or more features over time, but may differ in the features of skin aging that plague them. For example, some people develop sagging or laxity to the skin due to genetic factors, but may have little or no sun damage. Others may be covered with sun spots but have no sagging or wrinkling. The following is a validated classification scheme which allows for each clinical feature of skin aging to be assessed separately on a 4-point grading scale (mild, moderate, advanced, severe):

Classification of Skin Aging:
Laxity (Sagging)
Brown discolorations
Solar elastosis (Yellowing)
Irregular texture
Abnormal growths (keratoses).1

This classification scheme of skin aging includes a severity scale as mentioned above (0=None, 1=Mild, 2=Moderate, 3=Advanced, and 4=Severe) which allows researchers or users to rank each individual person's skin aging according to feature and severity. This scale was shown to be very useful in testing anti-aging treatments and has been published in the Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology.1 Older scales tended to lump different features together into broad categories, which became less useful as treatments became more specific in targeting various facets of skin aging; for example as anti-pigment or anti-redness or anti-wrinkle. With this current anti-aging scale, our anti-aging products may be quantitatively tested to determine which individual categories of skin aging they treat and how effective they are in each category. This also allows us to hone our anti-aging regimen to our needs and to compile or group the ingredients in each category that are most effective so as to cover all categories of anti-aging in a logical manner.

The next challenge was to classify the plethora of anti-aging ingredients on the market based on the features of skin aging that they targeted or treated. I then created a classification scheme of the categories of anti-aging targeted by the ingredients that have emerged over the past decade:
Anti-Wrinkle - DNA Defense - Barrier Fortification
Anti-Redness - Cellular Restore - Emollient/Moisturizer
Anti-Brown Discoloration - Damage Reversal - Pro-Skin Thickness
Anti-Oxidants - Aging Repair - Re-Texturize

With this classification scheme, we can appreciate why people have become so overwhelmed and why they have accumulated shopping bags full of skin creams in order to meet their needs! Nevertheless, as anti-aging ingredients have emerged targeting each of these categories, ideally one would want to incorporate the best ingredients of each category in a single daily regimen to optimally treat skin aging.

Each individual may differ in which category of anti-aging they need most, yet in order to prevent and reverse all the signs of skin aging, it is still optimal for all categories to be covered by an anti-aging regimen. It is important to familiarize yourself with which ingredients fall in each category, so that you can incorporate several of each group into your skin regimen, or look for a product that covers the various categories of anti-aging in a logical way. Examples of key active ingredients shown to yield resulst in each category of anti-aging include: peptides for anti-wrinkles, plant-derived polyphenols and bisabolol for anti-redness, amino acids for anti-brown discolorations, vitamins C, E and ferulic acid for anti-oxidant, DNA repair molecules such as acetyl tyrosine and proline for DNA defense, resveratrol for cellular restore, bark extract or phoretin for damage reversal, Helianthus annuus and Ilex paraguensis extracts for aging repair, dimethicone for barrier repair, glycerin and soy lecithin for emollients, hyaluronic acid for boosting skin thickness, and mushroom extracts and sodium lactate for smoothening abnormal texture.

In sum, the field of anti-aging now has validated classification systems for the various categories of skin aging and for the plethora of anti-aging ingredients so that we can assess and determine which anti-aging actives we want in our medicine cabinet and to make certain that we cover the various categories of anti-aging in our daily regimen. With this scientific basis, we may now intelligently assess anti-aging products for their ability to comprehensively cover all the various categories of skin aging and include the various categories of anti-aging ingredients available. Finally, these comprehensive, validated classification and grading scales provide a framework for solving the anti-aging conundrum with a system for categorizing skin aging and classifying anti-aging actives to make sure you cover all your skin's anti-aging needs.

(C) NY Derm LLC, 2010.

1) Alexiades-Armenakas, M, et al. Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology 2008 May;58(5):719-37; quiz 738-40.

Dr. Macrene Alexiades-Armenakas M.D., Ph.D., F.A.A.D., Derm-Scientist®, holds three Harvard degrees, a bachelors of arts (BA), a medical degree (MD) and a doctorate (PhD) in genetics, is double Board-Certification in Dermatology in the US and EU and Director of her own Private Practice and Research Clinic in Manhattan. Her 20+ year background in research included plant molecular biology, cell and developmental biology, genetics, photobiology and mammalian stem cell biology. She served as consultant to L'Oreal, ran clinical trials for pharmaceutical and laser companies, and serves as beauty judge to many magazines, including Allure and In Style.

The go-to skin expert for identifying actives proven to deliver results in the laboratory, clinical trials and in practice, she developed a highly advanced technology 37 Extreme Actives® high performance anti-aging cream, capable of suspending and microtargeting the greatest variety and number of proven actives in a single cream, a comprehensive product logically designed to address all the categories of skin aging. The One-Step Skincare Solution™ is the breakthrough that revolutionizes skincare and does the thinking for you. This patented advanced cream technology was designed to suspend and microtarget 37 potent actives in a single cream, which have been proven by independent testing to deliver results in all categories of skin aging.